
Re-evaluating Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go in light of Modern-day Existential Concerns

Disclaimer: Personally, I find the nihilistic approach to life to be – not always, though often – depressing and self-destructive. I have experienced things in life which would be hard for me to dismiss as mere coincidences. I do believe that everything happens for a reason and that there is a larger purpose to our…

Challenging dreams and societal norms in Great Expectations and The Great Gatsby

“No insect hangs its nests on threads as frail as those which will sustain the weight of human vanity”[1]. To what extent do Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens and The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald challenge the dreams and norms of their respective societies? Despite being written in different periods, Great Expectations being set in Victorian England…

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